Beauty Perfection II Hair Power

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  • Scientifically Proven Effects!*
  • Promote the strength, volume, shine, and beauty of your hair
  • With a patented combination of miliacin and polar lipids for the strength, power, and beauty of your hair*

*Institut Dermatologique d‘Aquitaine (2013), Study code: 7.06_86 J, in: Idea dossier: 11102


Our hair is our crown that we never take off, significantly contributing to our appearance. Besides texture, color, and styling, our hair reveals much about us. Like our skin, our hair can reflect our emotional state and lifestyle. Many people experience brittle, thinning hair or hair loss at least once in their lives. Causes vary from stress, deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, to hormonal imbalances (such as after pregnancy or during menopause). Additionally, incorrect hair care products and frequent coloring or heat treatments can negatively impact hair quality. These causes share a common effect: they significantly affect the emotional balance and quality of life of those affected.

As an essential part of our holistic beauty offerings, Beauty Perfection II, with the branded raw material Keranat™, addresses the root of the problem—specifically, the hair root. The hair root is surrounded by a collagen layer deep in the scalp responsible for anchoring the hair. A clinical study* showed that this layer increases by about 20 percent with Keranat™ intake, strengthening the hair root and counteracting hair loss. The highly effective active ingredient complex of millet extract, sunflower seed oil, gluten-free wheat extract, and rosemary leaf extract promotes hair cell proliferation, increases volume, and provides natural radiant shine. These positive effects can be observed about three months after starting regular intake.

Hard facts

  • Reduces hair loss
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Provides fullness and radiant shine
  • With a patented combination of miliacin and polar lipids for strength, power and beauty of hair**
  • Clinically tested Keranat™
  • Pure active ingredients
  • All plant extracts from completely pesticide-free cultivation [EU Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005]
  • This product is 100% vegan, gluten free, lactose free, free from additives, free from artificial colors and flavors, free from added sugar & sweeteners, and free from genetic engineering (non-GMO)
  • Package size: 30 capsules (1month supply)

*Source: Institut Dermatologique d'Aquitaine(2013), Study code: 7.06_86 J, in: Idea dossier: 11102

**Source: Boisnic et al., Hair Therapy & Transplantation 2016, 6:2, DOI: 10.4172/2167-0951.1000143

Keranat™ is a registered trademark of Groupe Robertet.

Recommended dosage & Storage tips

  • Take 1 capsule daily with sufficient liquid.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
  • Keep out of reach of small children.
  • Store in a dry place at room temperature (max. 25°C).
  • Use within 3 months after opening.

Valuable tips

  • A healthy scalp is the foundation for strong hair roots and healthy hair growth; avoid unnecessary ingredients in hair care products and shampoos and opt for pH-neutral products.
  • Avoid ingredients such as parabens or silicones – these clog or irritate the scalp and weigh down fine hair, which puts strain on the roots.
  • Less is more – the amount of care products should be about the size of a hazelnut.
  • After washing, always rinse your hair with cold water – this closes the pores of the scalp, smoothes the hair surface and gives the hair an extra dose of shine.
  • Wet hair is particularly sensitive. To avoid additional hair loss, detangle gently with a comb rather than brushing.
  • Hot blow-drying should also be avoided.
  • Daily short head massages stimulate blood circulation, providing oxygen to the hair roots.
  • Make sure your hair is sufficiently moisturized and use sun protection sprays.
  • Tight hairstyles such as buns or ponytails can irritate the hair roots over time and lead to hair breakage; give your hair a break from these styles regularly.
  • Avoid constant stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Keranat™ – oil blend (millet, sunflower, gluten-free wheat , rosemary), filling oil: extra virgin olive oil, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (capsule shell).

All ingredients are:

  • Laboratory tested
  • 100% vegan
  • Non-GMO
  • Cruelty-free 
  • Free from contaminants, heavy metals and pesticides
  • Light-protected by high-quality and energizing Miron violet glass

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Isabel Kovacs
Super Produkt

Ich habe dieses Produkt bei einer anderen Plattform als Abo genutzt. Ich nehme es seit ca 8 Monaten. Es wachsen sooo viele neue Haare nach. Ich bin sehr zufrieden

Isabel Kovacs
Bestes Produkt

Ich nehme das produkt seit ca 8 Monaten. Habe ein Abo drauf. Mein Haarausfall ist nicht mehr da und es wachsen extrem viele Haare neu nach. Ich nehme das Produkt in Verbindung mit kieselerde. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Vielen lieben Dank

Barbara Turski
Medicusan Best

Hallo Liebes Team, ich möchte mich für die perfekte Betreuung recht herzlich bedanken. Ich hatte massive Probleme mit Haarausfall. Nach der dritten Packung endlich eine kleine Verbesserung. Ich bin jetzt bei der vierten Packung und es geht meinen Haaren vieeeeel besser. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass ich den Haarausfall stoppen kann. Danke auch für eine kostenlose Packung. Ich finde das super schön, dass der Kunde Euch so wichtig ist!!!!


Schnelle Lieferung, mit viel Liebe zum Detail verpackt, gutes und sehr verträgliches Produkt, die Wirkung muss ich noch weiter testen ( nehme es seit ca 2 Wochen).
Vielen herzlichen Dank!

Beauty Perfection II Keranat™

Erst Einmal vielen Dank für die Lieben Weihnachtsgrüße aus ihrem Haus.
Das Produkt habe ich für meine Frau gekauft. Sie schwört darauf und meint das es ihr damit sehr gut geht. Mal sehen wie die Langzeitwirkung aussieht. Aber ich habe ein gutes Gefühl das ihr Produkt in Ordnung ist.
Bis dahin mit besten Grüßen aus dem Harz.