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No. 3 Kidney Reset Complex

incl. VAT plusShipment
  • Combining the extracts of time-tested plant substances such as goldenrod, birch leaf, horsetail, nettle, and more
  • 100 % vegan: Pure nature with juniper berries, pure plant-based silica & sitosterol
  • An important component of holistic well-being

60 capsules (€ 0.55 per capsule)

Hard facts

  • Particularly efficient formula thanks to unique, highly potent plant substances which have been tried and tested for thousands of years, such as nettle extract, goldenrod, birch leaf, nasturtium and much more.
  • 100% vegan vital nutrient complex: Pure nature with horsetail extract, juniper berries, goldenrod, nettle, bearberry, pure plant-based silica, and sitosterol
  • Developed by experienced experts , carefully manufactured in Austria according to the highest ISO quality standards
  • Pure active ingredients; based on the principles of plant and herbal science combined with state-of-the-art science
  • All plant extracts from completely pesticide-free cultivation [EU Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005]
  • This product is 100% vegan, gluten free, lactose free, free from additives, free from artificial colors and flavors, free from added sugar & sweeteners, and free from genetic engineering (non-GMO)
  • Package size: 60 capsules (1 month supply)

Effects & Studies

Despite centuries of experience with certain plant substances and numerous studies, due to legal regulations, we are unfortunately not allowed to make any statements about the effects of the plant and herbal extracts we use at this point.


To create the greatest possible transparency nonetheless, we strive to provide corresponding studies on the ingredients within the legal framework and ask you to research the effects of individual components, if necessary, in specialist articles and forums. Thank you for your understanding!


Further studies:

  • Cetojević-Simin DD, Canadanović-Brunet JM, Bogdanović GM, Djilas SM, Cetković GS, Tumbas VT, Stojiljković BT. “Antioxidative and antiproliferative activities of different horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) extracts.” J Med Food. 2010 Apr;13(2):452-9. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2008.0159. PMID: 20170379. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20170379/
  • Melzig MF. “Goldenrod--a classical exponent in the urological phytotherapy.” Wien Med Wochenschr. 2004 Nov;154(21-22):523-7. German. doi: 10.1007/s10354-004-0118-4. PMID: 15638071. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15638071/
  • Tahri A, Yamani S, Legssyer A, Aziz M, Mekhfi H, Bnouham M, Ziyyat A. “ Acute diuretic, natriuretic and hypotensive effects of a continuous perfusion of aqueous extract of Urtica dioica in the rat.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Nov;73(1-2):95-100. doi: 10.1016/s0378-8741(00)00270-1. PMID: 11025144. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11025144/

Recommended dosage & Storage tips

  • Dietary supplements with plant extracts & plant powders.
  • Take 2 capsules daily with sufficient liquid.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.
  • Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
  • Keep out of reach of small children.
  • Store in a dry place at room temperature.
  • Use within 3 months of opening the packaging.
  • Moisture-sensitive product. Please do not remove the enclosed desiccant sachet. The desiccant sachet is not for consumption.
  • Not suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 12 years.
  • Consult a doctor before taking in case of impaired heart or kidney function.

Valuable tips

  • The intake of sufficient fluids is essential, with 1.5 liters per day being the guideline, with only water and diluted herbal teas considered suitable, all other beverages are considered indulgences in holistic approaches.
  • Drink slowly – as only about a glass of water can be processed per hour, you should distribute the amount of water consumed throughout the day.
  • A glass of water before bedtime can support your well-being as much as a splash of lemon in a portion of the daily water consumption.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • A healthy diet and the avoidance of processed foods are the basis for sustainable and holistic well-being. Also, inform yourself about valuable foods and herbs that can contribute to increased urine excretion.
  • Completely avoid sugar and reduce the daily salt intake.
  • Ensure optimal supply of the body with sufficient magnesium and vitamin D.
  • Avoid drafts and cold around the lower back and sides and provide additional warmth (e.g. with hot water bottles).


Goldenrod herb extract, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (capsule shell), horsetail extract, birch leaf powder, nettle leaf extract, juniper berry powder, bearberry leaf extract, nasturtium extract.

All ingredients are:

  • Laboratory tested
  • 100% vegan
  • Non-GMO
  • Cruelty-free
  • Free from contaminants, heavy metals and pesticides
  • Light-protected by high-quality and energizing Miron violet glass

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Claudia Ziegler

No. 3 Niere Vitalstoffkomplex

Sven Kögler
Wenn die Niere schon geschädigt ist

Bei mir wurde eine Niereninsuffizienz im zweiten Stadium diagnostiziert. Eignet sich der Nierenvitalstoffkomplex trotzdem für mich, um meine Nieren zu unterstützen?
Viele Grüße

Anja Kiefer
Super zufrieden

Lieferung war schnell da, alles prima!

Gerharth Schwind


Brigitte Niessner
Gesundheit fördernde Inhaltstoffe

Ich habe überhaupt keine Probleme mit meinen Nieren, zum Glück. Aber die Inhaltsstoffe dieses Mittels haben mich sehr überzeugt. So zeigt Brennnessel Extrakt in wissenschaftlichen Studien ein bemerkenswertes Spektrum an antibakterieller Wirkung und unterstützt dadurch die Leber. Goldrute wiederum hilft nicht nur die Nieren zu reinigen, sondern hat auch eine wohltönende Wirkung auf die Psyche, wie auch die Kapuzinerkresse, die gegen Entzündungen hilft und die Durchblutung fördert…usw. Also verschiedene too gesunde Kräuter in einer Kapsel. Wir nehmen es täglich zusammen mit den Darmbakterien und dem Lebermittel, übrigens auch so ein fantastisches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, um gesund und fit zu fit zu bleiben, was in der jetzigen turbulenten Zeit ja das Wichtigste überhaupt ist.