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Medicusan Facts. You can find out everything you need to know in our blog.

Gesundheitstrends 2025: Inspiration für gute Vorsätze & deren Umsetzung

Die Gelegenheit, unser Leben bewusster und gesünder zu gestalten, besteht zwar jeden Tag aufs Neue, doch die Zeit rund um den Jahreswechsel verpasst vielen von uns nochmals den entscheidenden Push, um sich gute Vorsätze zu überlegen und diese auch wirklich in die Tat umzusetzen. Mit unserem Überblick über die wichtigsten Gesundheitstrends bist du bestens gewappnet, um 2025 zu DEINEM ganzheitlich gesunden & glücklichen Jahr zu machen!


Hochwertige Nahrungs­ergänzungs­mittel erkennen – unsere TOP 5

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel boomen wie nie zuvor, denn wer von uns schafft es schon tatsächlich, im stressigen Alltag auf die empfohlenen fünf Portionen Obst und Gemüse pro Tag?! Doch mit dem Boom geht auch eine riesige Angebotsvielfalt einher, bei der es schwer fällt den Überblick zu behalten. Hochwertige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu erkennen kann dabei zu einer Challenge werden, doch wir haben die 5 wichtigsten Fakten und Tipps!

STRESS LESS - 6 tips to calm your nervous system

In our hectic and fast-paced world, where digital information floods and constant accessibility are the order of the day, more and more people feel overwhelmed and stressed. One of the main problems that arises from this stress is an overstimulated nervous system. We have 6 tips that you can use to regulate your nervous system and thereby make an important contribution to more relaxation and well-being.

Health trends 2024

From Epi Food to Period Positivity to Terrapy – everything you need to know about the latest health trends in 2024.

No more counting sheep!

Getting enough sleep is not only important to stay healthy and productive, but also to maintain inner balance and center. Nevertheless, more and more people are suffering from serious sleep disorders. We reveal how you can solve your sleep problems with simple and, above all, natural tricks and thereby increase your well-being and vitality...

Vitamin D, the power of the sun & its importance for our nervous system

The immense importance of vitamin D for our body, but also for our psyche, has long been underestimated. We explain here how the so-called sun hormone is linked to depressive moods and why it is currently particularly important to naturally refill the vitamin D tanks. 

Violet glass - especially in abundance

Violet glass not only looks classy, ​​but also embodies the perfect combination of tradition and innovation. The interplay of traditional knowledge, physics and technology has a special...

OPC – a miracle cure?

OPC is said to make you vital, beautiful and, above all, healthy – a true miracle cure. But what exactly is this oligomer proanthocyanid and why is it so good for us?

Does man need nutritional supplements?

Over 15 years ago, images of Americans swallowing pills - a jar full of nutritional supplements - went around the world. We laughed at it back then, but today it is also an image in this country. Nutritional supplements are increasingly finding their way into people's homes. But how important are nutritional supplements really?


Spermidine - The modern fountain of youth

Spermidine is currently on everyone's lips - and in the truest sense of the word. No wonder, after all, the special biogenic polyamine, which occurs as a messenger substance in all our cells, is said to have very special effects on cell regeneration, cognition and skin aging - so there are many good reasons to take a closer look at this highly potent natural substance.
