Medicusan Facts. You can find out everything you need to know in our blog.

Gesundheitstrends 2025: Inspiration für gute Vorsätze & deren Umsetzung
Die Gelegenheit, unser Leben bewusster und gesünder zu gestalten, besteht zwar jeden Tag aufs Neue, doch die Zeit rund um den Jahreswechsel verpasst vielen von uns nochmals den entscheidenden Push, um sich gute Vorsätze zu überlegen und diese auch wirklich in die Tat umzusetzen. Mit unserem Überblick über die wichtigsten Gesundheitstrends bist du bestens gewappnet, um 2025 zu DEINEM ganzheitlich gesunden & glücklichen Jahr zu machen!

Hochwertige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel erkennen – unsere TOP 5

STRESS LESS - 6 tips to calm your nervous system

Health trends 2024

No more counting sheep!

Vitamin D, the power of the sun & its importance for our nervous system

Violet glass - especially in abundance

OPC – a miracle cure?

Does man need nutritional supplements?
Over 15 years ago, images of Americans swallowing pills - a jar full of nutritional supplements - went around the world. We laughed at it back then, but today it is also an image in this country. Nutritional supplements are increasingly finding their way into people's homes. But how important are nutritional supplements really?

Spermidine - The modern fountain of youth
Spermidine is currently on everyone's lips - and in the truest sense of the word. No wonder, after all, the special biogenic polyamine, which occurs as a messenger substance in all our cells, is said to have very special effects on cell regeneration, cognition and skin aging - so there are many good reasons to take a closer look at this highly potent natural substance.